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LinkedIn launches new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) tools to help companies share their commitments and accomplishments

In September 2022, LinkedIn added a new tool for those that have a Company page.  Most people on LinkedIn refer to the Company page of their current or previous employer.  According to Kinsta, there were more than 58 million companies and 875 million members on LI.   40% of that group access LinkedIn daily.  Millennials make up over 59% of LinkedIn’s user base, with 11 million of the 87 million millennials in decision-making positions.

The new tool that LinkedIn launched addresses a 2020 survey by Deloitte that found that 80% of Gen Z respondents believe that businesses have a responsibility to address societal issues, including diversity and inclusion. DEI concerns are not limited to millennials alone, as people of all ages and backgrounds can and do care about these issues. However, it’s clear that millennials and Gen Z are particularly vocal and engaged.

The new LinkedIn tool is called “Commitments” and can be found under the About Us tab with the Admin view on your company page.  Company pages have three masters as noted by Michelle Raymond, LinkedIn for B2B Growth, “the marketing team for lead gen, the sales team for social selling and the HR team that is trying to attract top talent.”

Linkedin Commitments

You have a choice between 5 commitments you can make for your business:

1) Career Growth and Learning

2) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

3) Environmental Sustainability

4) Social Impact

5) Work-life balance

As Admin, you will see the new field commitments. Select add a commitment

Adding your commitment on Linkedin

You have two options and that is to make a Pledge or share a Report. The Report points to where you can share evidence of the accomplishment.

Now, this introduces a new topic and that is called “Greenwashing”.  Greenwashing refers to the practice of making false or exaggerated claims about a company’s environmental sustainability or social responsibility to improve its reputation or marketability.  HBR found from research carried out in Europe found that 42% of green claims were exaggerated, false, or deceptive, which points to greenwashing on an industrial scale. When companies, for whatever reason, fail to meet their stated social responsibility goals, customers perceived them to be greenwashing — and judged them harshly, which is difficult for a company to recover from.

One way to avoid greenwashing or “stretch” the truth is to adopt a process known as KYC (Know Your Customer) and authenticate the accomplishments using Web 3.0. 

The clearESG app was created to help companies and brands evidence their accomplishments.  A company representative will be able to post evidence such as photos, videos, and PDFs to share their sustainability/DEI accomplishments.  The KYC process validates the person posting and ensures they are not a “bad actor”. The company gets its own landing page with a QR code that it can add to its website or products.  Example here > https://clearesg.app/company/green-barn/
clearESG.app starts at $50/mth for up to three attestations

So, thanks to LinkedIn for introducing this new commitment tool as all the stakeholders will benefit. The key is a company’s messaging and implementation of social goals must always be the same shade of green so tools like clearESG are here to help separate you from the rest with an app that rewards greater truth and transparency. 

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ESG, A Brand Building Measure

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors have become increasingly important to consumers when making purchasing decisions. Brands that have a strong ESG profile are viewed

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