The EU’s Farm to Fork strategy aims to lower Global House Gas (GHG) emissions and increase sustainability. The way we produce the food we eat accounts for 1/3 of all GHG1, The major contributor to this is the agricultural sector, which produces methane and nitrous oxide. Methane and nitrous oxide are the two most potent greenhouse gases, respectively with a global warming potential that is more than 20 times and 300 times higher than carbon dioxide.
“60% of Americans are either very or somewhat concerned about their impact on the environment”
Pew Reaserch Center

This is a very important statistic as it shows that the way we produce our food can have a significant impact on our environment. This in turn can have an impact on the health of humans and animals alike.
Part of the EU’s Farm to Fork strategy is aimed at ensuring that the food we eat is sustainable and healthy. The strategy has three pillars: more sustainable agriculture, more sustainable food production and consumption, and more resilient ecosystems. In contrast, the US currently has no national plan to expand its organic growing.
In a national survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 60% of Americans are either very or somewhat concerned about their impact on the environment2. Some of which are prepared to make lifestyle changes to lessen their negative impact on the earth. One of the ways to lessen our impact is to choose organically grown foods. In 2019 only 1% of farmland in the US is used for organic food production.

Consumers are willing to pay for a premium product if it was grown in a sustainable way. This is because they want to know that the product they are purchasing is not harming the environment. The use of pesticides and chemicals can harm the environment and may lead to an increase in cancer rates. Consumers are now demanding organic products because they want to avoid these harmful effects.
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